ISN is excited to announce it has earned the International Customer Service Standard 2020:2025 (ICSS) Gold Certification by the Customer Service Institute of America (CSIA).

ISN completed an in-depth written assessment, provided more than 200 articles of supporting documentation and hosted an on-site visit with CSIA’s Chief Executive Officer and Lead Assessor who evaluated ISN on 24 attributes critical to best-in-class customer service operations.

“We would like to congratulate ISN in achieving the International Customer Service Standard 2020:2025 certification, the second company to achieve gold status during a first-time certification assessment," said Christine Churchill, Chief Executive Officer of CSIA. "ISN’s commitment to leading the industry is evident in everything it does, including how it approaches business and makes hiring decisions. Its focus on the customer is unwavering and it was evident through the assessment process that customer experience is top priority."

“We are thrilled to be recognized for ISN’s commitment to exceptional service experiences through culture, processes, procedures, training, hiring practices and daily activities,” said Brittany Sizemore, ISN Director of Contractor Development.

ISN has also been recognized by the International Council of Customer Service Organizations (ICCSO), Customer Service Institute of America (CSIA), Stevie Awards and Customer Contact Week for its excellence in customer service. Its award-winning customer service team provides 24-hour support during the business week to contractor customers in more than 85 countries through customer service centers in Dallas, London and Sydney.