The National Safety Council (NSC) launched the 1st Safe Communities America Day on October 5, 2016, we were honored to host it at our headquarters in Dallas, Texas. Dallas is the first U.S. city to be accredited as an international Safe Community. It is also the first urban city worldwide to receive accreditation.

Over the years, the city and business community have invested in safeguards and partnerships to help make Dallas a safe place to live, work and visit—and we were delighted to participate in recognizing this achievement.

“Our goal is to help companies reduce injuries and ultimately save lives,” says Joseph Eastin, ISN’s President and CEO. “That’s why Safe Communities America Day is so important to us – it is an opportunity to celebrate our success as a community and show our support for such safety-focused initiatives.”

The event included a number of notable speakers:

  • Judge Clay Jenkins, Dallas County
  • Fred Cerise, MD, MPH, President and CEO of Parkland Hospital
  • Alex Eastman, Director of Parkland’s Rees-Jones Trauma Center
  • Shelli Stephens Stidham, Director, Injury Prevention Center of Greater Dallas, Parkland Hospital; Coalition leader Dallas Safe Communities
  • Carrie Nie, Director of Safe Communities America
  • Michael Pollock, Vice President of Relationship Management, NSC

“At National Safety Council we have a vision to eliminate preventable deaths in our lifetime and everyday a network of accredited Safe Communities, like Dallas, work to reach that vision,” said Carrie Nie, Director of Safe Communities America. “This kind of commitment to a community’s safety is what we celebrate on Safe Communities America Day. We hope Americans will join the movement in keeping each other safe in their homes, workplaces and their communities.”

About the NSC and Safe Communities America
The NSC helps saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities through a combination of leadership, research, education and advocacy. Meanwhile, Safe Communities America® is a program of the National Safety Council and a US-based accreditation that promotes safety through a simple, yet effective, model:

  • Bringing together people who care about safety
  • Using data to identify leading causes of injuries or deaths in the community
  • Making a plan to address the issues using proven models
  • Measuring success and continuing to make improvements

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