Edwin G. Foulke, Attorney at Law for Fisher & Phillips LLP and Former Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA shared his insight regarding OSHA’s new recordkeeping requirements, effective January 1, 2015, in two webinars hosted on May 11 and May 12, 2016. This was the first set of webinars in his three-part series, hosted solely for ISN customers.
OSHA’s revised occupational injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting requirements dramatically increased employers’ reporting requirements. Additionally, information obtained from the new reporting requirements will be made public on OSHA’s website.
Recordkeeping Webinar Highlights
The webinar examined the many recordkeeping pitfalls that employers face, especially those that use temporary employees.
Highlights of the webinar included:
A recording of the webinar is available at OSHA’s New Recordkeeping Requirements: Are You In Compliance? and the legal alert from Ed Foulke’s office is available here.
We look forward to the additional webinars later this year.
Presentation and handouts have been provided by Edwin G. Foulke, who is solely responsible for the webinar and its content.