
The National Safety Council’s Campbell Institute will host a webinar on June 16 reviewing best practices for corporate health and wellness programs. The webinar will begin at 3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central.

Learn from leading experts in the field
ISN’s Corporate HSE Director, Richard Cerenzio, will discuss the critical components of a successful wellness program and Melanie Gordon, ISN’s Manager of Office Support and Branding provide insight into ISN’s program and its evolution over the last eight years. Following their overview, Kelli Smith, Occupational Health Director for Cummins Inc., will lead participants through a case study that focuses on Cummins’ experience in putting principle into practice. Joy Inouye, a research associate with the Campbell Institute, will facilitate this webinar, including the question & answer session which concludes the webinar.

About the Campbell Institute
The Campbell Institute is a research arm of the National Safety Council and its center of excellence for EHS management. The institute’s core philosophy is that EHS is the foundation of business vitality. ISN is a member of both the National Safety Council and the Campbell Institute.

Register today
For more information and to register for the June 16 webinar, please click here.