Ed Foulke

Edwin G. Foulke, Attorney at Law for Fisher & Phillips LLP and Former Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA shared his insight on how to prepare an effective job safety analysis (JSA) and pre-job meeting.

Webinar Highlights
This program examined the elements of a comprehensive job safety analysis (JSA), how to develop and implement a JSA, as well as the importance of pre-job safety meetings as a tool in implementing your JSA on a daily basis. Ed Foulke discussed how a JSA is a proven process for controlling operating hazards and how a JSA and pre-job meeting are essential parts of any effective safety program.

Takeaways from the webinar included:

  • How a JSA and pre-job meeting can help reduce personal injuries in controlling operating hazards and costs
  • Understanding the terminology associated with a JSA
  • The steps necessary for developing a comprehensive JSA
  • How a JSA and pre-job safety meeting impact the company’s safety program and have a financial benefit to the company
  • How to develop specific compliance measures when implementing a JSA
  • How to develop effective procedures to control or eliminate hazards identified in the JSA

A recording of the webinar is available here.

The slides presented during the webinar are available here.

This was the final webinar in a three-part series hosted by Mr. Foulke for ISN customers.

Presentation and handouts have been provided by Edwin G. Foulke, who is solely responsible for the webinar and its content.