Edwin G. Foulke, Attorney at Law for Fisher & Phillips LLP and Former Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA shared his insight on how to protect your company’s bottom line by focusing on safety.

Webinar Highlights
The webinar explored the hidden costs and corporate impact a poor safety program can have on an organization. Ed also gave tips on how safety professionals can articulate to senior management the importance of safety, how it can be a profit center as well as achieve operational excellence for the company.

Highlights of the webinar included:
• Understand the hidden costs associated with a catastrophic accident and the true cost of an injured employee
• Know how to effectively deal with fatalities and catastrophic accidents and return the facility back to normal operations
• Use best practices and strategies for protecting and restoring your company’s brand and stock price after a fatality or catastrophic accident
• Tips on how to speak the C-suite language to demonstrate the importance of safety on the company’s image and bottom line

A recording of the webinar is available here.

The slides presented during the webinar are available here.

This webinar was the second in a three-part series of webinars hosted by Mr. Foulke solely for ISN Customers. Stay tuned for information on another webinar later this year.

Presentation and handouts have been provided by Edwin G. Foulke, who is solely responsible for the webinar and its content.